To get us started on this special day, here's something to get us started. Yes I did post a link to the trailer a long time ago, but here's a refresher. Not the best, if you want that I recommend this link here and load the high def trailer. But that's just me. (Dangit just watched the imbedded clip and I think it's cropped a little for some reason. Go to the link for much better preview.)
I'll start.
My best friend also happens to be wife Amy Irene Watson. Well, best if we're excluding our dog, because otherwise they kind of have a co-best friend status with me. Don't worry, the other night Linus and Amy were on the couch (yeah) and I was on the floor (yeah) next to them and she says, "You're the love of my life," in that cute sweet lovey-dovey way. I didn't even have to look to know who she was talking about. After she was done cuddling with Linus, she leaned back on the couch and gave me a "hi, what's up" look. As I gave her my, "you know damn well what look" the lightbulb went on and she gave me a big hug and said, "well, you are too!"
Right. Linus and I know where we stand. Son of a bitch, literally. (this joke never gets old cuz if you don't know and I don't know how you couldn't unless this is your first visit, Linus is our dog-son).
Amy is my live-in writing coach, editor, boss, best pal, encourager, beautiful distraction, task master, gourmet chef, all-pro cuddler, hard ass, muffin ass (it's a Watson thing), goof ass, and resident go-go girl. Amy is a dancing queen and gets fully into it as she dances around the joint. She has a pretty good arsenal of moves too as she grew up as a figure skater. She has some pretty decent Michael Jackson moves. Linus is her dancing partner of choice. They're working on a ball room routine right now.
Amy's a bit on the shy side, though not at all at home or once you get to know her. She is mildly addicted to UsedVictoria.com and The Dog Whisperer. She thinks Bobby Flay, Matt Damon and the Seahawks new tight end, John Carlson are all pretty easy on the eyes. And luckily for me, me too. It's the gap tooth smile, gotta be.
Amy is the best person I've ever known. She's humble and cool and I think we suit each other pretty dang good.
All right now it's your turn. Wanna gush about your stud-muffin or stud-muffin-ette. Now's your chance. Gush away. If you want to include a picture I will post them on the next post. You can email me them at bwatson23@hotmail.com or put them on your own blog and give me a link in the comments section and i'll swipe it.
So gush away. Romantic, interesting, whatever tidbits you want us to know, throw it in. Funny, even better. Happy 9 day everybody. Tell me/us about your lovebug.